Wagyu Steak

Just thinking about my posts since starting this blog site, and I’m starting to realise that this blog is slowly becoming a foodie blog!

Whatever it may or may not become, let’s get down to today’s blog… During the Christmas/New Year holiday period, we decided to take a visit down to our now ‘local’ Costco which has recently opened up near us – at least it’s not a 1/2hr or 3/4hr drive to the nearest Costco. We don’t have membership, so had to ask one of our friends (Sean) who is a member to meet us there.

In Costco’s meat department they had some nice cuts of Wagyu eye fillet beef, which, after some consideration we would buy and give it a try to see what all the fuss about Wagyu beef is all about. At $68 p/kg it’s not something you want to buy everyday, nor eat everyday looking at the marbling of the fat through the meat.

Here’s the pre-cut eye fillet steaks after a sprinkling of pepper, salt and a bit of oil, ready for BBQ’ing:

Raw Wagyu Eye Fillet
Raw Wagyu Eye Fillet

The meat is a little thicker than what we normally do for our steaks, so each side was on the BBQ a little longer than normal – 3 minutes per side. One thing I did notice when I went to turn over the steak was all that fat which you can see had rendered and sizzled a lot more when I turned the steaks, causing some flare ups of the flame, and I’m sure added to the flavour of the steak.

The result:

Medium-rare Wagyu eye-fillet
Medium-rare Wagyu eye-fillet

Apart from the fantastic Weber grill marks on the steak, a perfect medium-rare steak. Not only did it look good, but it tasted really good! To be honest we had some expectations (not too high) of really good steak, but this exceeded all our expectations, not only mine, but all the others too!

My verdict, Wagyu beef is great, and is a real treat. The meat was very juicy with great flavour. The fat rendered really well on the BBQ, and it wasn’t greasy or oily as you might expect when you saw all that fat in the raw uncooked meat. It was very tender, also partly due to the fat marbling throughout the meat.

Whilst it was very good, and something I’d eat again, it’s not something I’d want to eat every day, or even every month. It’s probably something you want to keep for special occasions, and that probably for rare occasions, especially since the price of the meat is $68/kg!

If you get a chance to try some Wagyu eye fillet, don’t pass it by, I’d recommend it!